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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

How to Prepare For Finals

Finals season is upon us.... which means it's time to get town to business and finish the semester strong! This year I lucked out and only have one test during finals week and one that is online that I can take over a week and a half period. Score! The rest of my "finals" are larger projects, which I prefer over tests any day. 

As a senior in college I know a thing or two about taking and studying for finals. The key is to not wait for the last minute to study, as hard as it may be. So, here are my tips on how to start prepping for your finals ahead of time.... 

1 week before: Right now we are a little under one week away from finals week. This is the time to start gathering your materials, looking over old assignments, and start to begin to organize yourself. If you don't have all of your assignments in one folder or in one spot on your computer start organizing those papers and files! This way when you go to create a study guide everything will be easily found. For most of my tests, professors post study guides. Start working on the study guide as soon as your professor makes it available! This way when it comes time to study you don't spend days just making the study guide. 

Finals week: Depending on your finals schedule some of your tests may be Monday and some may be later in the week. Prioritize what you need to study first based on when the test is. Unless you know one test will be very difficult try and study chronologically. This way you can focus on what is coming up next versus spending all of your energy on a test that's Friday when you have tests earlier in the week you need to study for as well.

Night before: The night before a test I always sit down and just read my study guide or notes. For me re-reading and going over everything really makes a difference! This way you can remember key words by recognition from reading them over and over again. Also, be sure to get a good night sleep! My philosophy is I'd rather go to bed and wake up early then not sleep at all. But, do what works for you. If you are an all nighter kind of person go for it! However, sleep is super important and no one likes to focus on a test when all they want to do is take a nap. Most importantly, remember to set multiple alarms so you make it to those morning exams.

Morning of: Don't stress to much the morning of. Go over your materials one last time and make sure to re-read things you are having trouble remembering right before the exam. If possible skip to that question so the material is fresh in your mind!

What are your tips for acing finals? Tell me in the comments! 

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