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Friday, March 11, 2016

Blogger Spotlight: A Pop of Pink

As a PR major having a blog can give you an edge when applying for jobs, internships, and creating your personal brand. That is exactly what Ellen Borza from A Pop of Pink did.

In 2014 Borza created A Pop of Pink, which is a fashion and lifestyle blog. Being a communications major in college Borza has found that blogging has helped her reach her career goals post graduation.

Being in the constant practice of writing is important for anyone, regardless of their career,” she said, “I would also say that blogging helped me with PR pitching, and knowing how to create a great pitch.”

Now, Borza works in public relations as a PR specialist at a digital marketing agency. All of the PR work Borza does is digital rather than in print.

Borza said, “Rather than pitching an article idea to a magazine or newspaper, I may be pitching it to a website that features content that is relevant to my client’s business.”

When pursuing a career in PR or communications, Borza’s advice is to read everything that you can find. She claims it is the best way to learn about the industry.

“If you know you want to go into a career in PR or communications, subscribe to industry publications,” Borza said, “That way you can show a prospective employer that you're truly interested and passionate!”

With being a full time PR specialist and running a blog Borza often works ahead to keep up with A Pop of Pink.

Borza does her best to stick to a strict posting schedule so she can keep up with her blog. By scheduling posts ahead of time she can avoid cramming the night before a post goes live.

Working ahead is a great tip to balance a blog and work or school.

Although balancing work and a blog can be difficult, Borza has gained many rewards from blogging.

Borza’s favorite part about being a blogger is the community she has found with other bloggers.

She said, “It’s so cool to see everyone grow and become successful!”

For Borza blogging is a creative outlet to share what she loves with her readers. 

To learn more about Borza read her blog A Pop of Pink!

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