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Friday, February 26, 2016

Blogger Spotlight: Prep Avenue

To keep things preppy, my next blogger spotlight is on Shannon H from Prep Avenue. Shannon’s adorable colorful journey in life is documented by her equally adorable blog.

Shannon started her blog as a senior in high school after being inspired by reading other blogs.
She said, “I have always been interested in digital marketing and this was a cool way to practice my skills!”

Prep Avenue covers topics from Shannon’s preppy style, life as a college student, along with other random thoughts she wants to share with her readers.

Shannon is a college student at Furman University in Greenville, SC. Being a college student and balancing a blog can be a hard task. As a college student myself, balancing blogging with course work and extracurricular activities can be a struggle. But, it is all about finding the perfect balance. Although college bloggers like to think that you can balance everything, sometimes your blog has to suffer because of your course work.

“Prep Avenue occasionally gets put on the back burner when my school load gets rough,” Shannon said, “School is my priority right now!”

Blogging can particularly get tough while studying abroad.While I studied abroad I was able to keep up with my blog fairly well. Although I had 15 credits the work wasn’t as time consuming as back at Iowa State. Shannon recently studied abroad to Italy where she had some struggles keeping up with Prep Avenue. With a heavy course load, weekend travels, and unreliable Wi-Fi it was often hard to keep up with posts.

But, blogging while studying abroad can be a great way to remember the things you have done and seen. “I was able to get a post up about every place I went,” she said, “It’s fun because I’ll be able to look back on those posts and pictures.”

Although difficult at times maintaining a blog is especially fun while in college and while studying abroad.

By documenting your travels and college experience you will be able to look back and remember the memories and times you’ve had.

Shannon is currently a junior in college and is graduating in about a year and a half. Despite graduation coming up Shannon anticipates keeping her blog alive post-graduation.  

“After graduation, I definitely still see myself blogging I’m just not sure what I’ll be doing or where I’ll be living,” She said, “I guess we’ll just have to see!”

If you don't already follow Prep Avenue it is a must! Shannon's adorable blog and social media accounts will brighten your day. Also, be sure to check out her posts from her adventures abroad because she traveled to some amazing places! 

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