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Friday, February 5, 2016

Blogger Spotlight: Chambery and Champagne

As most of you may know I am currently a student at Iowa State University studying apparel merchandising and public relations. Through my PR writing class I was assigned to create blogposts on a topic I am passionate about. So, naturally I decided to write pieces focusing on some of my favorite fashion bloggers! So, I am going to do a series of 10 blogposts that showcase a different blogger that you should look out for (and for sure check out!) 

First up is Mariah Wellman from Chambery and Champagne Mariah happens to be my best friend so I know her blog quite well. Chambery and Champagne is a lifestyle blog with the mantra “Style is an art of assemblage.” Mariah mainly caters to the Midwest gal who likes to mix and match pieces in their closet with trendy pieces of the moment. She also discusses health and wellness topics like vegan recipes, exercise tips, as well as beauty related topics.

Mariah first started her blog in August 2014. But, since then she has given C&C a fabulous makeover to take her blog to the next level.

As a Journalism major at Iowa State Mariah has an amazing knack for writing. Chambery and Champagne was created to showcase her writing talents in a new and interesting way. When she was a student, Mariah felt she was seeking more opportunities to get her work out there and to show off her unique writing style. She uses her blog not only to influence others but also as a personal outlet to share her ideas with the world.

Being able to have an outlet to share whatever she feels necessary is an ideal job for Mariah. “I blog because I love it,” Mariah said, “It is the only ‘job’ I have that doesn’t feel anything like a job”.

When it comes to inspiration for posts Mariah turns to Pinterest for ideas. Pinterest is her go-to form of social media. From sharing her blogs content to finding new recipes and outfit ideas Pinterest is the perfect place for inspiration. Some of Mariah’s favorite fashion bloggers are Julia Engel of Gal Meets Glam, Julia Dzfic of Lemon Stripes, and Kate of Lonestar Southern.

Mariah pulls inspiration from all three of these bloggers to influence Chambery and Champagne. She loves that they are all from different parts of the country and describes them as blogging #GOALS.

As her blog continues to grow, Mariah has big dreams for Chambery and Champagne.

“In one year I see my blog hopefully as a space I still use daily as a source of inspiration for others and an outlet for myself,” Mariah said. No matter how much time passes Mariah hopes that her blog remains a place she is proud to say she created.

I hope you enjoyed my first installment in Blogger Spotlight! Be sure to check out Mariah's blog Chamery and Champagne. Know a blogger I should feature? Leave their URL or email in the comments! 


  1. Ahh, I love Mariah! She is so cute, and I absolutely loved this interview :)

    XO, SS || Seersucker Sass

    1. Yes she is one of my good friends! Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for reading :)
