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Saturday, December 19, 2015

Sew Cute Abroad: Castle Series pt. 2

Welcome back to my Castle Series! This is pt. 2 and I will be talking about Windsor Castle! We went to Windsor on Wednesday of our trip (get it Windsor Wednesday?) and it was a great castle to go to in the middle of the week. Usually things like this are super busy during the weekend because most people travel during the weekend. Basically we had the castle to ourselves besides the school tour groups and a few other guests. It was nice to look at things without have to push your way through a large crowd. In general, when visiting the Royal Palaces I suggest going during the weekdays vs. the weekend. It's a lot more enjoyable without large crowds!

This post also features my favorite Christmas tee of the moment from Jadelynn Brooke! My Santa is Bae shirt is the perfect long sleeve for whatever you may be doing this holiday season. Whether you are traveling, taking a road trip, watching Christmas movies, or baking cookies! In this case I wore mine while exploring this amazing palace. 

Want to pick up this tee or any of the other holiday Jadelynn Brooke tees? Use the code ERAULH to get 15% off! 

I love this little hidden garden in the front of the castle. I can picture royals just lounging around and enjoying the beautiful flowers and greenery! 

The best part of this castle was that there was little Christmas decorations everywhere! The royal family still uses this castle to hold parties and get togethers so it was awesome to see it in its holiday glory!

The castle had the most amazing view overlooking a town. A pano photo was a must!

The only bad thing about Windsor Castle is that a lot of the rooms you can't take photos inside. Which stinks! There were so many gorgeous rooms that I just wanted to snap pictures of them all. But, besides that, Windsor was one of my favorite castles of the trip! It was beautiful, grand, and had some amazing rooms inside. I would highly recommend going to Windsor if you have time to make the trip. It is outside of London but with trains it is very easy to get too! 

Have you ever been to Windsor or another castle? Let me know in the comments! 

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