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Friday, November 13, 2015

Paris Trip: Day 3 & 4

The majority of our Paris trip was traveling around with our study abroad directors Basia and Hannah. They had a lot of knowledge on Paris and of course fashion so it was amazing to get to travel with them. The main things we did were see a wide range of areas in the city. From the high end parts to flea markets and farmer markets. While we weren't with our group my friend and I explored the more touristy sights of the city like Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, and other major landmarks. 

It was incredible to see Paris in the fall. Fall, like most girls, is my favorite season. I love when the leaves turn gold and red and create amazing colors. Paris has a lot of parks and trees (unlike London) so it was nice to see so many changing leaves. On the third day of our trip we took a break in this park and had a cheese tasting! I'm not a huge cheese fan (unless it's on/in something like pizza or mozzarella sticks) but it was nice to get to try a bunch of traditional French cheeses. My favorite was this cheese and garlic spread. It's perfect to spread over some bread! 

Here are some pictures of our trip to Notre Dame. We didn't actually go inside but it was cool seeing the outside of something so famous. The details in all of the Paris architecture was incredible, especially in this monument. 

We were able to visit the famous Lourve glass pyramid structure. So naturally I had to snap a photo! On this day of our trip we also saw the famous Water Lilly paintings. I loved all of the pastel colors in the painting. 

I finally met the Eiffel Tower! I couldn't help but feel like Blair Waldorf during it all! Macrons were also part of the trip, obviously. We stopped by the Laduree store to get the famous macarons in Paris. I also picked up an adorable key chain to put on my bag or keys. 

Check out my other Paris posts: 
Day 1 
Day 2 

What is your favorite part of Paris? Let me know in the comments!

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