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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Paris Trip: Day 2

The second day we spent in Paris we met up with our class to start our LCF Paris trip. Our first activity of the trip was a boat tour to see the sights of Paris. We got to sit back and relax and watch the amazing city of Paris with all of the beautiful fall colors! I love fall and this was the first time I felt like I was actually in fall. All of the trees were turning orange and gold to create a beautiful scene. Here are some pictures of our boat trip.....

For dinner we went to a fondue restaurant that our teacher recommended and man was it amazing. We even had wine served in baby bottles! We dined on fondue cheese and meat that was so good we left very full. By far one of the best meals I've had in Europe so far. 


Check back soon to see the rest of my Paris trip!! 

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