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Friday, October 23, 2015

Italy Adventures: Rome Day 2

When in Rome! Hello again! I am living my Lizzie McGuire and Roman Holiday dreams as I adventured around Rome. For day two of our trip we hopped out of bed early and went on another free walking tour. We saw a lot of major landmarks that I hadn't really heard of before but everything was BEAUTIFUL. But, we saw the Pantheon which was so gorgeous. Although our tour guide the first day was better, it was nice being led to each sight and wondering not to far away to snap a few pictures then return to the group.  

One of our stops included this fountain which was so pretty!

This adorable bike was sitting outside a small shop and I had to snap a picture. I loved the bright colors and the lemons, yellow flowers, and purple flowers spilling out of the basket. 

Here is little me next to the HUGE Pantheon. To go inside is free so we wondered around and looked at the amazing detail inside the structure. 

I was obsessed with this blue building outside the Pantheon. I don't know why but I loved the powder blue color! 

We ate at this restaurant for lunch and it was AMAZING! So good! Everyone there was Italian including the customers which is a good sign. Our tour guide gave us a good tip: if it is dark and scary and doesn't have a huge menu posted in the front it's good. She said major tourist restaurants have GIANT menus in the front. So, look for anything without huge signs/ lights are you are probably good! We followed these rules for the rest of our trip and it worked perfectly. 

Another day another vintage Fiat. 

I loved this window display for this one small shop. The clothes were super cool and they had cute bags made out of neoprene which were super unique.  

And more gelato.... What is your favorite gelato or sorbet flavor? Let me know in the comments! 

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