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Friday, October 30, 2015

Italy Adventures: Florence

Cio everyone! Today I am telling you all of my adventures in the amazing city of Florence. Our trip to Florence was about two full days long but we had a solid half day to explore the city when we first arrived. Our adventures in Florence mainly included shopping (mainly for leather and bags), browsing boutiques, seeing major works of art, and exploring the historical city. Here are a few pictures from my trip to Florence!

The famous bridge in Florence is a spot you don't want to miss! There are some cute shops around the area (lots of jewelry stores very high end but fun to look in the windows!). We would always get gelato nearby and walk to the bridge to enjoy the views. It was the perfect way to enjoy some yummy treats. 

All of the street signs in Florence are altered in some way. Our tour guide from our free tour was saying that an artist went around changing all of them! Some of them are hilarious like this one! 

A lot of girls from my sorority and school had gone to Florence to study abroad and they gave AMAZING recommendations for food and activities! My two favorite places we went were La Milkeria for waffles (mine had fresh fruit and Nutella!) and Gusta Pizza for the most amazing pizza on this planet! After my Italy trip is over I will be creating a post with all of my favorite shops, restaurants, and things to do so be on the lookout. 

For lunch one day we went to a restaurant that our AirBNB host recommended. It was around the corner from our apartment which was also great! I got gnocchi and it was arguably the best gnocchi I've ever tasted EVER. It was to die for and you could tell it was homemade. The restaurant was super small but we could see the chef cooking in the back (yes one chef!). He came out and asked us how our food was so naturally we took a picture with him! He was adorable. 


The AMAZING Gusta Pizza! A must see in Florence! Or must eat I should say.. Vivoli was by far the best gelato I had in Italy. I got the pineapple and strawberry and they were TO DIE FOR! But my friends got other flavors and they were equally delicious. 

Well that was my Florence adventure! I loved the city and I highly recommend it to anyone who is traveling to Italy or Europe! 
Have you been to Florence? Let me know your favorite things about it in the comments! 

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