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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sew Cute Abroad: Weekend 2 Recap

Hello again! I am a little behind on my weekend recap posts but better late then ever! My second weekend in London I went to the Victoria Albert museum, explored South Kensington, and went the Columbia Road flower market


For my style journalism class I had to attend the Pleasure and Pain shoe exhibit at the Victoria Albert museum. Sadly photos weren't permitted in the exhibit so I don't have any pictures from inside! But, I can say that it was an amazing collection of shoes. Some of my favorites were Christian Dior heels from the 50's, the Cinderella glass slipper from the 2015 movie, and the Jimmy Choo feather heel from Sex and the City. Here is their website in case you want more info! 

The Victoria Albert museum is in South Kensington which happens to be the old neighborhood that I lived in while I was in London as a little girl. Little did I know I was standing right next to my old flat! What a small world. Also, I snapped a picture of this bookstore which is where we bought all of my favorite childhood books from London (my mom told me after the fact haha). 

South Kensington is one of my favorite areas in London. There are a lot of restaurants as well as cute little shops. 

We stumbled upon The Hummingbird Bakery which happens to be on a list that I found for best cupcakes around the world! I picked up a Cookies and Creme cupcake and it was delicious. 

Here are a few shots of flowers I spotted while walking around. I love how there are so many blooms in London. There are a lot of cute little flower stands or shops all over the city! It adds a splash of color which of course I love!

This weekend I also went to the Columbia Road flower market! I did a whole post on it so if you would like to see more click here for an OOTD or click here for more about the flower market! 


  1. I think the Victoria & Albert Museum is one of my all time favorite museums! I went to London while I was studying abroad in France, and I definitely want to go back! They had an exhibition about wedding dresses while I was there, and it was so beautiful. I'm so glad you are enjoying London! Enjoy studying abroad because it's over before you know it (way to fast!).

  2. It's a great museum, and a wedding dress exhibit sounds amazing! But thank you! It's flying by I'm sure I'll be back home before I know it! Thanks for reading :)
