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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Where I am now: sophomore year re-cap

Another school year has past and I am now officially a junior in college! Although I have "junior status" (based on credits) I still consider myself a sophomore. Well I guess I was a sophomore. I am still mind blown that I am half way through my college career. Potentially I might be graduating early so possibly more then half way done. 

It seems like just yesterday I was arriving at Iowa State, going through recruitment, and making new friends. This year I for sure learned a lot, from how to juggle every activity under the sun with 18 credits to tackling 8ams like a pro (well most days). Sophomore year brought me mostly laughs and smiles but of course what would like be without a little drama? Well here are 3 things that I learned this year that I think are really important. 

  1. True friends will last. As freshman year closed I thought I would keep all of my friends. Wrong. Sure, I have mostly all of my friends from the end of my freshman year in my life. But, once you move out of the dorms and your friends aren't right down the hall, it is hard to stay in touch. You may be living on the same street or the same city but it's hard to make time to meet up with those friends. But, if they are worth your time or if you are that good of friends you will make time to see them. It may not be everyday but you'll still see them. 
  2. Boys are complicated. I mean that is kind of a given, but this year I am just totally stumped to be honest. Usually I have a good sense of what boys are trouble and who are the "nice boys". This year has tested me for sure. Basically, don't trust boys they suck (Sorry boys if you are reading this. But it's true. Girls suck too, so we are even.). I learned that boys get more complicated as you grow older. Also, don't rush into relationships. Maybe it is an Iowa thing but everyone seems to be getting engaged at 20 years old. I'm 19 and I can barely figure out what to wear in the morning and what drive through I want to eat at next. Don't be in the hurry to "fall in love" or get a boyfriend. Being single in college is fun. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And besides, I have my gal pals to cuddle and eat with so who needs a man? Also, I live vicariously through my friends in cute relationships so why do I need one of my own...? (We all know that cute couple that we stalk. No shame people, no shame.) 
  3. Hard work doesn't always pay off. Man it sucks saying that but it is true. I have witnessed countless people who work hard and are amazing at what they do not get any recognition or rewards. I'm kind of having an Anne Hathaway moment when I'm like "I'm killing myself trying" with some things that I do. But, I do know one thing, just because you didn't get the position or just because you aren't the one getting praised doesn't mean you aren't doing something right. So, just sit back and let life runs its course. Because I still like to believe that hard work does pay off, and that in the end you will achieve and reach your goals. 
Now that I'm done being deep here is a little walk down memory lane. This semester has been filled with awesome times and even greater people. So, here is a look at my Sophomore year of college. 

This year I received my little Audrey. She is one spunky gal and I'm so happy I met her during recruitment and that she is apart of my little Pi Phi Phamily. Also, our family looks freakishly alike. 

Another photo of some of the amazing girls in my Pi Phi Phamily. This is from Homecoming when we moved on in YLH. We ended up taking 3rd overall in a total of 14 pairings! 

At Pi Phi initiation with my beautiful Pham. This is the day Audrey officially became a member of Pi Beta Phi. 

Here are two shots from different date functions I went to including Barn Dance and Beta Semi-Formal. 

First semester my Trend magazine photo shoots was on the cover! This was a huge accomplishment for me and for sure one of the best and most rewarding moments of my college career. 

During winter break I went to my favorite place in the whole world Disney World! There were a lot of "throw what you know" pictures all around the parks. 

Spending time with my friends is one of the best parts of going to school. I'm going to miss our weekend adventures this summer. 

Spring break with my Pi Phi sisters was for sure the highlight of the year. We all bonded and became super close throughout the week. I wish we could go back to Gulf Shores and the beach right now.... 

Greek Week this year was by far my favorite in my college career. Our pairing became so close and I couldn't imagine working with a better group of people for Lipsync. Placing 3rd in Lipsync was an incredible achievement and I am so happy I got the opportunity to be a co-chair. 

This year was my first year being involved in the Iowa State Fashion Show. I was part of the first ever pop-up shop which was an incredible and rewarding experience! I can't wait to be more involved with the show next spring. 

Pi Beta Phi formal was a great time with my friends. 

Last but not least our spring philanthropy Pi Phi Phiesta was a hit yet again! Also, we got a taco suit this year which was so great. 

Well that is my year in review! I can't wait to start a new year at not only Iowa State but London College of fashion. Ames, I will see you soon. 
But until then..... 

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