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Friday, May 8, 2015

Follow me around: Downtown Des Moines

Last week my friend Mariah and I ventured off to Des Moines for a mid dead week escape. First we made a stop at Kohl's to check out the Milly collection that was just released. To say it was adorable was an understatement! Mariah bought a few pieces but I decided to wait it out until I got back home to go shopping with my mom. 

After our short shopping trip, we headed to downtown Des Moines. We ate at one of my favorite places Zombie Burger. Zombie Burger has a crazy menu full of over the top burgers that are to good! I get the Planet Terror which has cheese, bacon, ranch, bbq sauce, and caramelized onions. Mariah got a burger made with a grilled cheese! YUM! We also got a side of cheese fries and a Crunch Berry shake. 

After being quite full, we headed off to the Beauty Counter event that we were attending. Beauty Counter is a makeup line made of all natural ingredients. Be on the lookout for a post all about Beauty Counter very soon! 

As we were heading out we spotted the Bachelor mural from their date in Des Moines. We practically slammed on the breaks to stop and take a photo with the wall (not exaggerating). So, now I can say I have seen the famous wall from the show! 

What are your recent adventures? Let me know in the comments! 


  1. how cool! that food looks amazing and what cool street art! My recent adventures include brunch at a nearby restaurant for my birthday last month and karaoke last weekend!
