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Thursday, April 9, 2015

April Goals

Spring is finally here! Which means school is quickly wrapping up and time is running out. Looking at my planner freaked me out because I realized I have less than a month left of my sophomore year. Although this month is jammed back between Greek Week, The Fashion Show, formal, and preparing for finals I still have a lot of things I want to do before I head back home for summer. 

Hopefully before summer I will figure out my life (ha that is funny). But in all seriousness, I am studying abroad next semester. So, basically I won't see my friends from school until I return for the spring semester. Sure I will be back for recruitment then I will be back early from London, but I don't have a lot of time left with my friends (before I leave that is). Hopefully I can find some time to hangout and be with my friends before I head off on my new adventure. 

Figuring out my summer plans is also a goal. I think I will take the summer off from doing an internship and take some summer classes and try and get a job! So we will see how that goes. 

One last goal is to study hard for finals! Recently I have been struggling to study and get motivated. I am so close to summer that I don't want to sit down and study for my 4-5 tests a month (sometimes more). But with 18 credits I know it is important to keep up my grades and to study hard! 

What are your goals for the month of April? Let me know in the comments! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have a lot of things to look forward to. Hope you achieve your goals!

    Lots of love,
