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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My Spring Break Experience

It seems like just yesterday I was in Gulf Shores with all of my Pi Phi sisters and best friends. This trip was one for the books and I had an amazing time. Spring Break is known for being crazy and out of control, but I believe it is what you make it. I can only speak for myself, but I had the most amazing time bonding and spending time with my sisters. 

Our trip consisted of freshman, sophomores, and junior Pi Phis. It was great to hangout with girls that I knew but didn't know a lot about. After this trip I can genuinely say I became so much closer with this group of women. We had A LOT of fun and created a million memories that I will never forget. 

Let's just say I cannot wait to go back next year and have another opportunity to bond with these great girls. Gulf Shores, you will be missed but it's not goodbye it's only see you later. 


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