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Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Fault In Our Stars: the movie, what to wear, whats the big deal?

Whats the big deal? 
It seems like EVERYONE is talking about TFIOS aka The Fault in Our Stars. If you haven't heared of this book or movie you have basically been living under a rock! In a earlier post in May I discussed how I was reading the book. 
{I can sum up my experience without telling you what happens no worries!}

Essentially the last I would say 75-50 pages I was bawling my eyes out. I even started chocking because I was crying so hard! I know what your thinking "we get it its sad". However for me I found the story to be very powerful. I never have experienced a great relationship like Augustus and Hazel have in the story. So, to see how much they cared for each other was very powerful to me. The movie was the same way, however a little different. I will say the movie is GREAT but not as good as the book. Everyone says most movies are never as good as the books. For someone like me who usually just sees the movies I never understood it. But now I get it! 

Don't get me wrong, the movie is probably one of my favorite movies I have seen in a long time. The characters are truly captured by the actors and actresses they selected. But, again, the book is just a little better I have to admit. Some details are left out but naturally they couldn't put everything in the movie because it would be a year long. So would I suggest to see it? YES for sure I would! It is a great movie with a great story just like the book. Not to mention Ansel Algort is like my new dream boy. HE IS SO CUTE! 

I can sum up the movie in this tweet: 

P.S. follow me on twitter @Mirberry_

Now the question is, what should you wear to this movie? Well here is my idea look so you can enjoy this great movie! My golden rule for any movie is to wear long pants and long sleeves. I know its hot outside but you will FREEZE in the theater! And lets be honest how can you focus on a movie if you are freezing your booty off? So pair a normal pair of skinny jeans with a light loose long sleeve shirt. To add an extra level of comfort wear a soft scarf. For shoes, I like to wear Sperry Top-Siders because they can keep your toes warm as well. Then of course you have to wear a stack of bangles. Alex and Ani are my favorites!

scarf | shirt | jeans | bangle | Sperrys | the book 

In case you have been living under a rock here is the trailer! Or you can watch it for the 1,000 time like me :) 

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