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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

May Favorites

May flowers? Nope May favorites!
The month of May has been a pretty fabulous. I wrapped up my last week of my freshman year of college which is INSANE! I was super happy to leave the dorms and all but I miss all of my friends so so much. It sucks not having everyone down a few stairs or across the street. But, I am glad to have a summer break and it is a much needed one. This month I started my internship at Purely Fashion which is a super cool app that you should check out for sure :). It has been nothing but a great experience so far and it is one of my favorite parts of the week. 
In May I did some MAJOR shopping! So, I have been loving adding the new summer pieces to my closet. 
Overall, May was a great month! It flew by way to fast it seems like but it was for sure great :). 

Kate Spade purse:
Essentially this purse is me well in a purse. Purple is my favorite color so this bag is literally perfect! Not to mention the adorable scallop details. I have seen this purse on Tumblr and I am glad that I have one of my own because I am obsessed to say the least. I did a post about the bag earlier this month so click here to see that! 

In the month of May I have been wearing more bright and out there colors because it was full blown spring, and sometimes summer, weather! I have had a lot of neon looks lately which I kind of love. Specifically I have been loving this neon pink shirt, this green skirt, and I recently just got two pairs of neon chino shorts! 
SPOILER ALERT: Be on the lookout for my "neon needs" post to see all of my neon picks! 
{All of the things in these OOTDs are from J Crew btw}

5 seconds of summer: 
5 Seconds of Summer has been one of my favorite bands for a while but especially this month! They performed at the Billboard music awards and I was SO PROUD of them! They are a newer band so it was great to see them finally get some credit and some press. If you haven't heard their stuff you need to right now. My favorites are She Looks So Perfect, Heartbreak Girl, and Got to Get Out (some of these are their older songs so be sure to look them up on YouTube!). 

The Fault in Our Stars: 
This month I read the amazing book The Fault in Our Stars. As you may know the movie is coming out this week actually so I wanted to read the book before I saw the movie. Most people do this but I have never been a book person. But, this movie looked to amazing not to know the whole story behind it! So, I decided to be a "big girl" and actually read the book. 

The beautiful city I have lived near all my life is a MAJOR favorite this month! As you know I started my internship at Purely fashion in the city and I love it so so much! I love commuting on the train and being able to escape the suburbs for part of the week.

So those are my May favorites! Hope you enjoyed :)

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