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Friday, May 23, 2014

My Freshman Year

Freshman Year Advice:
Freshman year was one a whirlwind of emotions, fun, and new experiences and friends. Your first year of college is something you can never get back. 

If you are reading this you probably just graduated high school and you are excited to start a new chapter in your life. And you should be excited! It is hard to leave behind your high school friends and your family but there is so much exciting things to come. So what are my big tips on how to make your freshman year the best year ever? 

{Bid Day 2013}

1. RUSH! 
I know going Greek isn't for everyone. But, it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Joining Pi Beta Phi has made a huge impact on my life. The friends I have made are ones I know will last a lifetime. Some of my best friends at the end of the year were my Pi Phi sisters that were always there for me. In addition to the great friendships I have made, I have gotten to do some amazing things through my Greek organization. From homecoming festivities, to Greek Week, to formals and house parties, being Greek is a great way to meet new people and to do a lot of fun things. I wouldn't know half the people I am friends with now if I hadn't joined Pi Phi. Being Greek is a great way to give back, learn about yourself, and have fun. (I can go on and on about being Greek but I will keep it short and sweet :) ) 

2. Embrace your school! 
Going to an out of state school it was interesting how things are different even in a neighboring state! I didn't know a lot about my school when I first arrived. All of the traditions were super new and confusing to me. But, my best advice is to embrace all of your schools traditions. Be sure to learn your fight song, take part in things like homecoming, and wear your school colors with pride! The sooner you do these things I promise you, the sooner you will fall in love with how cool your school is. Every university has something unique they do. Find these traditions and take part in them! If you don't, something tells me by senior year you will realize how much you have missed out on. 

3. Take advantage of your town/ campus! 
I took advantage of some great things that my school had to offer. I got to see Aaron Carter in concert at my university. I mean I got to see Aaron about 20 ft away from me and dance up and down to I Want Candy like it was the 2000's again! Make sure you are on the lookout for events and concerts that you school is hosting. These are some of the coolest things you will get to experience on campus! 

4. Pack the right stuff 
A classic freshman mistake is overpacking or not packing the right stuff. Some of the key things you will need: a winter coat (not a flimsy Northface like a I'm about to go to tundra winter coat!), rain boots, some sort of rain jacket, and gloves. You may think you can take the bus everywhere once it gets cold but you are wrong! There are some places you just can't take the bus. At some point everyone walks in the snow or rain to class. So be prepared! Also, watch out for ice I have biffed it numerous times so just watch where you walk. 

5. Avoid negative people and drama! 
One of my biggest mistakes is staying friends with people who are negative. I have always struggled with this but the difference between high school and college is you can walk away from people. If someone is always making you feel down or is always a negative presence cut them loose! Of course be nice about it but having negative thoughts is never fun, especially during college. You are constantly under stress and pressure and trust me these negative influences won't help you along the way. Make friends with people who support you not knock you down! And when it comes to drama, avoid it as best as you can. Drama is something that is everywhere you go. But, chose to handle it in a mature way and try to avoid it at all costs. College is about having fun and getting an education, not about what the person down the hall is doing or saying. So, just avoid the drama and I assure you you will have a better time then the people causing it! 

Those are my top 5 tips to freshman year! There is so much more advice I could share but I tried to narrow it down. If you have any personal questions about freshman year or college leave them in the comments! 



  1. i been wanting to rush since i watched Greek. Maybe i wont be a part of the greek life, but seeing how it is intrigues me.
    Thank you for your tips, Miranda! i will be a freshman this fall

    1. Greek is a great show! If you have any questions about Greek life let me know!
