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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sorority Life: Greek Week


This past week was our campus's GREEK WEEK! That is partially the reason I have been MIA this past week. I have been running around from event to event it seems like. But, it was for sure one of the funnest weeks of my life. I had a great time with our pairing and all of my Pi Beta Phi sisters. 

One of our main events is called Lipsync. Lipsync is basically a giant skit where everything is pre-recorded and we dance and "lip sing" the words along with the music! Our pairing's theme was Peter Pan and I was lucky to be a fun fairy sporting my two favorite colors purple and green. 

We had a super fun pairing party with our lovely pairing Phi Delta Theta! Jersey themed of course :) 

Saturday was our Greek Olympics. I was lucky enough to represent Pi Phi in the bed race portion. Basically a bunch of guys push a bed and I sit/ steer it. However, my bed actually broke so..... that was fun (not really). But it was too funny so I couldn't even be mad about it! Our pairing ended up winning 2nd for Greek Olympics so I was super happy about that :) 

That is a recap of my first Greek week experience! If you ever have questions about Greek life feel free to comment below :) 


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