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Monday, January 27, 2014

Grammy's Fashion 2014

Grammy Gowns: 
Yesterday were the Grammys! Who tuned in to watch the stars of music? Well I flipped in between that and the Bachelor wedding (no shame ladies Sean is perfect you can't not watch it). My favorite part about award shows is seeing what everyone wears of course! To be honest I wasn't that impressed with that many gowns this time around. But I do have two favorites I want to share with you all! 

Taylor Swift: 
I hardly ever dislike something Taylor Swift is wearing. I think she always looks very classy, elegant, but still young at the same time. I am IN LOVE with her red carpet dress. It really catches the lights on the red carpet and it is super sophisticated. I like how there is sleeves but it doesn't seem stuffy or old looking. Not to mention she just looks stunning. I have a love hate relationship with Taylor Swift (mainly because she dated Harry Styles but thats a different story.....) but I will say she always looks gorgeous! 


Anna Kendrick: 
My other favorite was Anna Kendrick. Her dress, hair, and makeup I thought was perfect. I thought her dress was super sexy but it was elegant at the same time. I thought the beading detail was super delicate and added a needed touch to the dress. Overall she looked great! 

Those are my favorites from the Grammy's! What were your favorite looks? 

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