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Thursday, August 1, 2013

College Diaries: My New Mac

August 1st, 2013:

Happy August everyone! So, classes and school is quickly approaching. The last days of summer are coming faster then we all think. Which means only one thing.... Back to School Shopping!

Personally, back to school shopping is literally my favorite time of the year. So, I will defiantly be showing all of the goodies I got for college and a tour of my dorm once everything is all figured out. But, for now I want to share my new computer! Before this computer I had my brother's old Mac book pro (2009). It was an older model but all I used it for was going on the internet and making Youtube videos. So it fit my purposes fine. However, I am happy to have a brand spanken new computer.

They give college students a really good discount! You get $200 off your computer plus this $100 iTunes gift card. Which honestly will probably last me the whole year. 

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