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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

What I've watched recently!

I had this blogpost in my drafts and I couldn't think of a better time to post it! Hopefully this will help you get some ideas of things to watch while you are social distancing. 

LOVE IS BLIND | If you haven't heard of this show then you are the queen of social distancing. This show is UNREAL. I have watched my fair share of reality dating TV shows but this one has to be one of the most interesting. Essentially people get engaged with never seeing their partners. It is a wild ride and I got very emotionally invested. I can't really say anything else without spoilers so I'll leave it at that. It is very unrealistic but it is WORTH IT!

THE VOICE | I've never watched the Voice until this season. If you didn't know Nick Jonas is their new judge.... So it's pretty clear my motives for watching. None the less I am actually super into it! The contestants are super talented and I love how the judges interact with each other. Since I've never watched the show before I'm not sure what happens past the auditions. But, I'm excited to find out! And of course root for my boy Nick.

THE BACHELOR | This season of the Bachelor was a HOT FREAKING MESS. But, I finished it because I am a dedicated fan. I have so many thoughts on this season but I will keep those to myself. Either way if you haven't caught up on this season be sure you do. Not to mention Netflix added old seasons of The Bachelor which gives you the perfect excuse to blast to the past. It would be super fun to compare how the show was then to it is now. Back then all we had to worry about were musicians going on the show to boost their career. Those were simpler times.

LOVE ISLAND UK | If you have a lot of time on your hands look no further then Love Island UK on Hulu. I watched last season and the most reason season and I am obsessed. Do I dare say it is better then The Bachelor. yes I do. I know, I went there. It is seriously so so good! Drama but the good kind. Plus you get so invested in these couples. I will be the first to admit I cried multiple times. There are 6 seasons on Hulu so you can really dive deep if you want. Plus each season has 30+ episodes because they air it every day of the week in the UK. So you won't blow through it super quickly, which is a plus right now! Cannot recommend this show enough. Listening to the British slang is reason enough to watch.

SIESTA KEY | Another guilty pleasure show for your viewing. Siesta Key is on MTV and can be viewed online or on demand! I started on season one a few months ago and I've been hooked. Essentially it's like watching the "popular group's" friend drama unfold and I just love that stuff. It's pretty entertaining. Think The Hills but in Florida. I do recommend starting on season one so you can understand the back story for everyone. A lot goes down from season one to the current season so you have to get the background info! 

THE CROWN | I hopped off the Crown bandwagon but I am kind of back on. I started watching season 3 casually. For sure not binging like I did the first two seasons, but I'm still kind of into it. If you haven't seen the first two seasons I highly recommend!

TODDLERS AND TIARAS | Yes I know I am trash, but I don't care. Toddlers and Tiaras is solid entertainment. The last two seasons can be found on Hulu! Or you can watch super old seasons on demand or on TLC's website. I've always loved the show so re-watching it was a no brainer. The real question is will we ever get another season?

That's everything I've watched recently! Minus the classic favorites like The Office & Gossip Girl. But, hopefully that helped you get some inspiration on shows to watch this week. What shows are you watching right now? Let me know in the comments! 

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