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Friday, February 14, 2020

Instagram Round-Up

heart balloon | heart sunnies | jeans | sequin top (sold out) 

Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope you all have an amazing day with whoever you love. Whether it be a significant other, family, girlfriends, pets, whoever! Valentine's Day doesn't have to be about boyfriends and girlfriends. It can be about whoever you love. So celebrate love today and buy yourself some chocolates. I know I did this week... oops. I can't help myself when I'm at Target guys it's a problem! 

Today I wanted to round-up all of the details of my latest Instagram posts! You can find all of these details on the LIKEtoKNOWit app. But I know not everyone has it. So, I wanted to share it here as well! I have been loving my Valentine's Day theme recently. I just love pink, red, purple, and all things hearts. So Valentine's Day is kind of my thing. I've loved creating holiday themed content so far this year. Holidays are my jam you guys, what can I say. 

What is your favorite part about Valentine's Day? I love all of the colors. Let me know your favorite part in the comments. 

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