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Monday, February 12, 2018

New York City Snapshots

If you keep up with my Instagram, you know I travel to New York once in a while for work. Although I am there for business, there is some time for play. But, this past trip we were way busier then in the summer so to be honest I was quite the grandma. Even more so then I am on a regular basis...... 

BUT, I did have the opportunity to eat a ton of good food, managed to still spend to much money, and had fun with my co-workers along the way. So, here are some fun snapshots from my trip to the big apple! 

First things first, BLACK TOP. Holy crap this was the best meal of my life. You know those places you see on Instagram and in those videos on Facebook that look amazing, then you go eat there and they are crap? This place is not one of those places. The food was amazing and the shakes were fabulous. *my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard plays in the distance* But for real, this meal was fantastic. One of the best burgers I have had, behind Shake Shack, AND the two chocolate shakes were to die for. 

I also ate some pizza while in the big city. I don't think you could call it "authentic NY pizza" but who cares it was pretty good. Look at that cheese stretch man. 

Next up, I visited my boyfriend Chuck (sorry Jeremy) and the Palace Hotel. Every time I come to New York I try and do something Gossip Girl related because I'm obsessed. I happened to be in the area so I naturally had to stop by. Sadly, I was alone and didn't feel like asking one of the many men in business suits who walked past to take my picture, another time perhaps. 

Another stop on my food tour was Milk & Cream Cereal Bar. This place was great! Basically you get ice cream blended with your choice of cereal with toppings. I opted for Coco Puffs because I love chocolate, but they had a ton of options! The interiors were very aesthetically pleasing to the eye, aka lots of photo ops for my basic-ass self. 

Some more touristy pictures. Whenever I see the St. Regis I think of Andy from the Devil Wears Prada running around like a mad women trying to get a copy of the new Harry Potter book. Anyone else? Or just me..... 

My semi-annual trip to the Henri Bendel flagship store. Of course I bought stuff.... are we surprised, nope. In my defense, they just always happen to have an amazing sale when I'm in town. The Bendel Gods were calling me to buy new things, I couldn't help it. 

Places I visited/ ate: 
Black Tap Midtown | 136 W 55th St, New York, NY 10019 
Milk & Cream Cereal Bar 159 Mott St, New York, NY 10013 
Glossier Showroom123 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10013
Uncle Jack's Steakhouse44 W 56th St, New York, NY 10019 
The Palace Hotel 455 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10022 
Love sign | Corner of 6th Avenue and 55th Street in Manhattan 

That about sums up my recent trip to New York! What are your favorite spots in New York I need to visit next time? Leave them in the comments! 

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