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Friday, March 31, 2017

Dose of Disney: Polynesian Resort Review

This trip we stayed at the Polynesian Village Resort in the Disney Vacation Club villas. We had two combined studios that overlooked Bay Lake and Magic Kingdom. Although the resort is gorgeous we found some major downsides to this resort, plus just being a monorail resort. 

First off, the resort was very noisy and busy! A lot of people come to the Polynesian to eat dinner or to explore. My family had been used to staying at resorts that were less of a destination for people not staying there. So, this was definitely a downside for us. We ate at Captain Cook's, which is there quick serve, and it was a mad house. There were barely any tables and just people everywhere. Also, the lobby was always busy, where in the past the hotel common areas were peaceful areas. But, again the Polynesian proved to be much more of a destination then we thought. 

Next up transportation. I think after this trip we won't be staying at any monorail resorts. Numerous times the lines were unbelievably long and it was impossible to get on a monorail. People who weren't staying at resorts would take the hotel express monorail to avoid the ticket and transportation monorail's long line. This increased out line and make the ride very crowded when we eventually did get on. Luckily we figured out that the ticket and transportation center was a less then 5 min walk from our specific hotel room. So, we opted for the boat available there to get to Magic Kingdom. But, the monorails for sure proved to be less convienent then the thought. 

Our room did have an amazing view of the water and we could watch Magic Kingdom fireworks every night from our window. But, being on the water ended up being a major downside because of the noise. Every 10 min or so in the morning and night we would hear the boats honking their horns. This made a great wake up call, if your into that sort of thing, but it was very annoying and loud. So, although we had a great view, you have to sacrifice quietness with that view. 

Our next major problem was with our individual room. This problem, hopefully, won't happen to everyone. But it was pretty gross experience! After pulled out the sofa bed we discovered a large lollipop stuck onto the mattress under the sheets. We discovered this around 10pm so not much could be done about it. But, it took basically 2 days for the problem to be resolved. So, we lost valuable sleeping space. Although this is a very specific room problem, it was very gross and annoying. Also, very impressed a kid got a lollipop there... not sure how that happened. 

Despite the downsides, this resort is gorgeous! If noise or a busy lobby doesn't bother you this is a great place to stay. The scenery is amazing and seeing the fireworks every night was awesome. With tropical vibes it for sure makes you feel like you are on vacation. Plus there are a ton of amenities and things to do just at the hotel. 

This review is completely my own opinions and experience! I try and give my honest opinion to help my readers in the future. 

Have you stayed at the Polynesian? I want to hear your experience! Let me know in the comments. 

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