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Monday, February 20, 2017

How to balance an internship and class

  1. Organization is key | Organization, organization, organization! If you aren't organized you aren't going to survive. Carry a planner, keep track of work hours, and keep track of you assignments. Plain and simple. The minute you let yourself get behind, the harder it is to recover. 
  2. Plan your classes accordingly | If you know you will have an internship during the school year, try and plan your class schedule around potential internship hours! Last semester I was able to work full days on Monday and Wednesday because I had all my classes Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. This was a major help! On the other hand, this semester I am running around like a crazy person because I have classes every day except Thursday. If your internship is 45 min away or farther try your best to schedule around a work schedule that is full days (9-5pm). This way you can save on gas or on public transportation and avoid running around like me. But, sometimes your classes have strict days they are scheduled, like mine this semester, so be aware that you may have a crazy schedule! 
  3. Keep on top of tasks in and out of the office | Make sure to keep track of your work and class assignments. A planner is going to be your best friend. Write down to-do lists for your outside of work to do's (if any) and your homework. This was it is all in one place. 
  4. Be realistic | It's great if you get offered an amazing internship during the school year! But, if you know you are a slow worker academically or if you get stressed easily, waiting until the summer might be better. Balancing an internship that you want to do well in and classes you want to do well in is an art form. So, be realistic. If you don't think you can manage it trust your gut instinct. 
  5. Know your limits | Working 20+ hours a week is great! But, if you have a heavy course load or other activities, know your limits. I am the queen of taking on to much. First semester I had my internship, 20+ credits, and was Editor in Chief of my campus fashion magazine. It was flat out too much. With that being said, limit your campus involvements if your internship will be intensive. And as I said before, try and plan your classes accordingly if possible! 
I hope these tips and tricks may have helped you decide if an internship during the semester is right for you! Are you interning this semester? Let me know in the comments! 

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