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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015!

I cannot believe that 2015 is over! This year has for sure been a whirlwind and one that I will never forget. Although there was drama and some tears shed this has been a great year. I discovered what I want in life and who I want to become, traveled Europe with some amazing people, became editor in chief of my campus magazine Trend, and started dating the best boyfriend I could ever dream of. To say 2015 was a good year would be an understatement! 

This year, more then ever, I realized that you need to follow your heart and go with your gut. Don't let other people's opinions, actions, or words hurt you or sway you. And most importantly always believe in yourself and don't let anyone dull your sparkle. Every year will have ups and downs, but, it's important to remember the good times and not the bad. Because at the end of the day your going to remember the laughs and smiles you had with your loved ones. So, here is a small look at my 2015 through some of my favorite Instagrams! 

I started off 2015 in the happiest place on earth, Disney World! Luckily I will be back in Disney on the 2nd and 3rd for a trip with my boyfriend. 

In my spring semester I was apart of a lot of exciting things through my fashion program. I was Director of Accessories for Trend for the second semester in a row, wrote for the Iowa State Daily style section, and was a part of the pop-up shop committee for the ISU The Fashion Show! It was a great semester and I accomplished a lot of my goals as a student. 

Over the summer I interned at a Chicago based brand, AKIRA, as a visual merchandising intern. It was a great experience and I learned a lot about the world of retail and visuals. Also, I had a great summer hanging with friends and boyfriend, celebrating my 20th birthday, and going to my 4th One Direction concert. 

This past year I served as a Rowdy Gentleman, Krass & Co, and Jadelynn Brooke rep! It was great working with these awesome companies and I can't wait to continue into next semester. Be sure to use my coupon codes if you want to order anything from these awesome brands. 
Rowdy Gentleman: Pollitt2016 
Krass & Co.: MPOLLITT 
Jadelynn Brooke: IOWASTMP

Probably the best part of 2015 was spending a semester in London through London College of Fashion's study abroad program. I learned from incredible tutors, traveled to Italy and Paris, and explored the amazing city of London. 

While in the U.K. I visited Bath, Stonehenge, Oxford, and the Harry Potter filming studios! Not to mention I went to a lot of the neighborhoods and areas of the city of London. 

I checked off a MAJOR thing on my bucket list: going to Disney Paris. My friend Maggie and I had an awesome day exploring the park, riding some new and old rides for us, and picking up a few souvenirs. 

Another highlight of my time abroad was my trip to Florence, Rome, and Milan. Italy was gorgeous and had some of the best food of my entire life.

To close off 2015 I'm spending some time with my boyfriend and his family in Naples, FL! 

I hope you all had a fabulous 2015! 2016 has a lot in store for me and I can't wait to get started! Between being a director for the fashion show, EIC of Trend magazine, and having a new apartment I can't wait for this upcoming semester. 

I hope you have a happy new year and a great night! 


  1. I am so jealous that you went to Disney Paris!! I have always wanted to do that! x, kenz

    1. It was amazing! If you ever have the chance to go it's a must! Thanks for reading :)
