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Monday, November 9, 2015

Paris Trip: Day 1 Disneyland Paris

While I was in Paris I was able to check something off my bucket list... going to Disneyland Paris. As a huge disney fan I naturally had to take advantage of being able to go to a park I've never been to! The park was magical, of course, and beautiful. All of the leaves were changing colors and it was breathtaking! Not to mention, there were Halloween decorations out. OMG. I've never been to Disney during Halloween so it was a very exciting time. 

My favorite rides were for sure: Big Thunder Railroad (always a favorite), their version of the Haunted Mansion which was actually super scary, and the Ratatouille ride. The Ratatouille ride was a HUGE hit with the people at this park. So, if you want to go you have to do that first. We arrived at the park early and the let us go in about 30 min early. We went to do the ride single rider and had no wait. But, there was already a line of a solid 100 people waiting to ride the ride in the normal line. But, it's Paris so you have to do the Ratatouille ride! It's for sure a must see. Space Mountain was also a good ride but it is nothing like the one in Orlando. It is a legit roller coaster. So, if those aren't your thing you wouldn't like it! It was very jerky and was basically another Rocking Rollercoaster. It was good, but a lot more intense then the original Space Mountain. 

In general, all of the rides were a little more intense. If I was a little kid I would never have gone on them! But I liked them all because I like roller coasters so it wasn't a big deal. But, there are still the traditional Disney rides that anyone can enjoy! 

Overall, the day wasn't super busy. It was considered a high day and I was expecting crazy crowds since it was the week of Halloween. But, it wasn't too bad at all. The longest wait time I saw was around an hour and if you've been to Disneyworld in the high season you would know that an hour is nothing! If you went on an off day I know for a fact you could probably get every ride done! 

I was repping my adorable Jadelynn Brooke tee at Disney! I love wearing comfortable clothes to Disney so it's easy to walk around in and your comfortable the whole day.

For food we ate Mexican then had a hotdog from Main Street. It was nice getting food that was familiar and tasty! We also got popcorn for a snack because I've been dying for normal salted popcorn while abroad. Europe likes their sweet popcorn versus American's like butter and salt. 

Disneyland Paris had two parks. The Ratatouille ride was in the park which is comparable to Orlando's Hollywood Studios while the main park had all of the traditional rides and lands like Magic Kingdom. With our ticket we got into both parks which was awesome! 

I also did some shopping while at the park! I picked up some cute gifts for my friends who are big Disney fans! I'm excited to give them to everyone and to give everyone there gifts in general! I have three bags full of gifts so I'm kind of going overboard. But, I want to find cool things in Europe to bring back to everyone for Christmas and other occasions! 

Have you been to Disneyland Paris? Let me know in the comments! 


  1. I've been dying to see Disneyland Paris and these pictures are feeding my wanderlust! It sounds like you had an awesome time :)


    1. You have to go if you have the chance! It was an amazing experience for sure!
