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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Italy Adventures: Milan Day 3 the EXPO

Our last day in Milan we got to go to the EXPO which is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I would describe the EXPO as a giant version of Epcot. Every country (basically) has an area where they have traditional or famous food from there country. There are also exhibits explaining there evolutions in food, farming, and technology. 

Our first stop was Spain where we got small tapas with AMAZING sangria. It was so good! After Spain we headed to France to pick up a baguette before we went to go get lunch. The bread was so fresh it was delicious! Then our next stop was America (naturally). Basically the whole time we kept saying Merica'. Good thing we were the only english speaking people at the EXPO. But, we got some pulled pork, chips, and soda for lunch which was much needed. Although the BBQ didn't compare to back home it was nice having something familiar!

We were laughing at the Walgreens t-shirt station. It was awesome recognizing the companies getting showcased in the America exhibit. 

After American we ventured off to look at the coffee and chocolate at the EXPO. They had a whole section dedicated to different chocolates and coffee. 

I picked up a chocolate bar for the road because I was so full from eating all day! But, it was some pretty tasty chocolate. 

Have you heard of the EXPO? Let me know in the comments!

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