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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Sew Cute Abroad: Chanel Mademoiselle Prive Exhibit Review

Before I left London for my long break I was able to catch the Chanel Mademoiselle Prive exhibit at the Saatchi Gallery in London. I had high expectations for this exhibit and I think they fell a little flat. The exhibit was mainly focusing on the only fine jewelry collection that Chanel ever created. Which is cool, but I thought it was going to focus on her career as a whole. But, I mean it was Chanel so it was still very cool. However, I think the Louis Vuitton Series 3 Exhibit was a better see. 

None the less, the exhibit featured many interesting things about Chanel, her inspiration, and parts of her personal life. One of the best parts of the exhibit was the couture room where you saw a collection especially created for the exhibit by Karl Lagerfeld. Again, the collection was centered around Chanel's only fine jewelry line. 

Here are some pictures to let you inside of the exhibit.... 

Here are some of the pieces that represent things Chanel was inspired by..... 

This was my favorite jewelry piece from the collection Karl Lagerfeld did inspired by Chanel's original collection. Also, I am a huge fan of Lilly Collin's style. 

Have you been to the exhibit? What did you think? 
Let me know in the comments! 

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