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Monday, October 19, 2015

Italy Adventures: Rome Day 1

Cio! Hello from Italy! A few days ago I left for a two week break from LCF to explore three cities in Italy and then to Paris with my school. I will be doing an Italy Adventure series where you can follow me through Rome, Florence, and Milan! I will do my best to give tips and tricks on what to see, eat, and where to shop.

On our first day in Rome we tried to get a good overview of the city. Our AirBNB we stayed at was only a few minutes from the Colosseum which was amazing! We grabbed a light breakfast at a little shop where you could see it from the window. The Colosseum is AMAZING and for sure a must see of Rome. I totally had my Lizzie McGuire moment. But, on the first day we just looked on the outside. Check out my day 3 post to see the inside! It was nice exploring in the morning and seeing everything. We had a late start because we were adjusting to the time difference and were exhausted from class and traveling the day before. Sleeping in was much needed! But, we still accomplished a lot in the day. 

I couldn't resist snapping a picture with my Jadelynn Brooke sunnies!!! While we roamed the streets (get it Rome haha) we took a lot of amazing pictures. The streets and city itself are so picturesque its insane. Around every corner there is something to snap a picture of! 

I found a vintage Fiat (I drive a Fiat if you didn't already know) and I was so excited! It was adorable! Fiats are from Italy so we see one EVERYWHERE. Which I am in love with. I feel like these people get me. The streets in Rome are VERY VERY narrow. Be careful walking in the streets, it's totally normal but cars and motorcycles come out of no where sometimes. So watch your surroundings. 

Gelato shops are also everywhere you go. You don't have to look very hard! I think they all taste pretty similar but the service varies. Some are very mom and pop owned and others are super commercial. Try and find the small owner shops! It's a better environment. Usually the good ones are a little farther from the major landmarks. Ones right next to the Trevi Fountain for example are gonna just want your money, which is fine, but it's nice to have a nice smile with your gelato!

We ate at a small place for dinner and it was pretty good! I got Carbonara but I don't like eggs and it had a strong egg flavor. But the pasta was made fresh and it was very good. We also kind of got tricked into order A LOT OF WINE. So, educate yourself with European measurements beforehand because we looked like dumb Americans and ordered way to much wine. You live and you learn. But, don't make the same mistake! 

Sadly the Trevi Fountain and Spanish Steps are under construction right now. A lot of the major landmarks are. So, we didn't get to see the full experience (hence no "good" pictures). It stinks but hopefully I'll be back in Rome some day to see them in action. 

We met near the major fashion street for our FREE afternoon walking tour. Do your research and find a free tour. Our woman was very educated and was so so nice! At the end of my Italy trip I will do a full recap of the best places to eat, see, etc. where I can include the link for it (check back soon!). But, there are a lot of things you can do on your own without paying for a fancy tour group. So be sure to look up free things or relatively cheap tours. 

There you have it! That is a brief re-cap of things I did on my first day in Rome. Be sure to keep checking back for more posts on my Italian adventure! 
Have you ever been to Italy? Any suggestions on things to do in Milan or Florence? Leave them in the comments! 

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