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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sew Cute Abroad: LCF First Impressions

I can't believe my first week of classes is already over! You think that 14 weeks is a long time but I know it will fly by in a flash. Someone commented requesting a post on how I liked my classes, so I thought I would do a first week/ second week impressions of my classes compared to my last week! So, be on the look out towards the end of November for my final thoughts on all of these classes. But, for now here are my first impressions: 

  • Fashion History and Artifact: This is a mandatory class at London College of Fashion if you choose to study abroad. Basically this class is like a walking tour where we walk around with our tutor and she shows us major fashion areas in the city. The first week we went to Camden market which was an interesting experience! Although the rain was POURING down on us we still managed to see a lot of cool street art and vintage shops. This class will be super fun because we basically get to explore every time we have it. Throughout the semester we keep a journal for this class and our British Cultural Studies class and we sketch and write about our experiences. I will probably do a post on my favorite journal entries at the end of the program!! I'm excited to see where this class takes me (literally) and all the areas of London we get to explore. 
  • British Cultural Studies: Again, this is another mandatory class for study abroad students. This class is also a touring class but we focus on British historical landmarks and Michael our awesome tutor tells us stories about British culture. I am a fan of this class because it's us visiting sites and landmarks rather then reading them in a book. It makes history interesting! 
  • Style Journalism: Journalism is one of my favorite topics! In this class we have optional homework assignments where our teacher gives us comments and tips on how to improve our writing. We also have two major assignments that involve a review on a fashion exhibit as well as an interview based piece. 
  • Fashion PR: My PR class I think will be very beneficial! I will be learning the basics of press releases as well as how PR connects to fashion. I'm really excited to see where this class takes me and hopefully it will be very beneficial. 
  • Styling: This class is going to be intense! But, I know I will learn a lot from it and it will push me to be a better stylist. In this class we learn a lot about fashion history, designers, as well as styling. At the end we will have completed a shoot which will be perfect for my portfolio! 
  • Marketing in the UK: I've never taken a marketing class so I am excited to learn more! Our final project is very extensive so I am excited to get started on it. We have a textbook that also looks very interesting so I think this class will be a great way to learn more about marketing. 
  • Theoretical and Contemporary Fashion Studies: I love my tutor for this class! She seems to have a lot of knowledge about fashion and the journalism/ communication field so I think I will learn a lot from her. Her class is interesting and intriguing which I like. It makes you sit back and think more about fashion and different topics she discusses.  
Those are all of my classes! I will keep you updated on projects or assignments that I enjoy throughout my time at LCF! I will also be doing a post of my final impressions/ what I learned from each class at the end of our 10 weeks. 

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