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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Sew Cute Abroad: London Calling

Well it's official! I have now been in London for 5 full days now! We haven't done much yet due to the fact we are still very jet-lagged. The first day we hit the ground running and went to a pub, dinner, a bar, then a club. It was a lot of fun but ever since I have been trying to makeup sleep! But none the less London is fabulous and I can't wait to explore some more. Our first week at the London College of Fashion is all orientation. So, until my real classes start I can't tell you much about them! But, this weekend we plan to travel to some markets, see street art, and hopefully explore things a little more. For now here are a few pictures from my travels thus far...... 


L: I posted this photo on my Instagram! I wore the adorable logo Jadelynn Brooke tee for the plane ride. It was super comfortable and super adorable. 
R: I have to say, having the drinking age at 18 in the UK is a great perk. I've been trying a lot of cider and wine while I've been here. It's nice to actually try beverages at a restaurant and go to bars/ clubs!

We've done quite a bit of shopping in our first weekend! We took a trip to Primark, Tiger, and Topshop. I got some cute things from all of the places. I am OBSESSED with the Oxford Circus Topshop. It is unlike any Topshop I've been to in the US. In the store they have multiple floors with different thing on each floor. When you walk in on the first floor there are little boutiques almost of different jewelry and accessories. They had vintage things to London based designers. I picked up a vintage ring from the 70's that reminds me of Blair Waldorf's ruby ring. They also had a cupcake shop, frozen yogurt, and women's apparel. As you went down you found sale and more Topshop apparel, but the bottom floor was my favorite. Here there were shoes and designer collections. I scored an adorable vintage inspired top and a houndstooth dress from the designer section. They had different London designers which was so cool! If I had to shop at only one place in London it would be there. It was amazing! 

Primark is like a better Forever 21. I think they had cuter clothes and it was HUGE. You could spend hours in there and get very lost! I found some cute stuff for myself along with gifts for my friend Maureen and my boyfriend. I am continually on the hunt for gifts for my friends because I want to bring them back some cool goodies! Tiger is a little stationary/ odds and ends store. They had a little bit of everything and nothing was more then 3 pounds which is awesome! I got a bunch of cute things for only 8 pounds which is a steal. 

Well thats all for now! Be on the lookout for more posts on what I am doing while studying abroad! A shopping haul and other posts should be up shortly! 

What posts do you want me to do while I study abroad? Let me know in the comments! 


  1. I love Primark, I get all my basics there. I can't wait to see what London has in store for you!

    Ane | Basque Prep

    1. It's great! And thank you! I am excited for a great semester! Thanks for reading :)
