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Monday, July 6, 2015

Birthday Recap

As some of you may know my birthday was a little while back. I thought I would do a re-cap on my fabulous birthday weekend. The weekend began on my birthday which was on a Friday. We started off the day with breakfast with a few of my friends at home along with my friend Mariah from Chambery and Champagne. After a lovely breakfast at my favorite local spot Mariah and I headed downtown Naperville to do some shopping. We stopped at Sephora, Anthropologie, and J Crew. After we did some damage we headed to dinner at On the Border which is one of my favorite restaurants. After dinner with my family and friends we headed back to my house for presents and brownies (not a big cake fan). 

The next morning we grabbed coffee with my friend Allie to catch up. Then we had lunch at Five Guys. We feasted on burgers and delicious fries. Once we wrapped up lunch we hung around and waited to go to dinner at my all time favorite place the Melting Pot. The Melting Pot is a fabulous fondue restaurant. When I go there we get cheese and chocolate fondue along with an entree and salad. Once you are done you are stuffed! But it is so worth it. 

I wore this adorable Lilly for Target maxi dress to dinner at the Melting Pot. It is super comfortable and colorful! 

I got these gorgeous flowers in my favorite color for my birthday from my boyfriend! He's the best. 

Here are a few pictures from my dinner at On the Border with my friends Mariah and Maureen!
