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Monday, May 11, 2015

Beauty Counter Event

A little while back I attended a Beauty Counter event downtown Des Moines. The event consisted of cocktails (well for the 21 year olds), their new product line, and a presentation from one of the Beauty Counter district managers. 

Before the event I didn't know a lot about Beauty Counter products. But, I did learn a thing or two after the event. Basically Beauty Counter is a line of cosmetics and other products that are made entirely with natural ingredients. In the presentation, they talked a lot about how cosmetics have a lot of harmful chemicals and ingredients that can harm your health. 

Then I wondered, what is in the products I use everyday?

Here is the video they played at the event which I found super interesting! 

So, how can you change your beauty habits? Well as a college student I don't have all the money in the world to replace every makeup and beauty product I use to high end natural products. But, I think you should just take the time to look at your products and see what is in them. I think it might surprise you. 

If you want to switch to more natural products check out Beauty Counter's line of products! From foundation, blush, to shampoo and conditioner the Beauty Counter has a wide variety of products to choose from. 

Here are some of the ingredients on Beauty Counter's NEVER list: animal fats, oils, and musks; benzalkonium chloride; benzophenone and derivatives; bisphenol A (BPA); butoxyethanol; BHA and BHT; coal tar hair dyes and other coal tar ingredients; 1, 4-dioxane; ethylenediaminetertraacetic acid (EDTA); ethanolamines (MEA/DEA/TEA); formaldehyde; hyrdroquinone 

At the event I was given some samples of their new face line and I have to say I do like them! I've tried the face moisturizers (am and pm) and I have noticed a difference in a short amount of time. 

If you are interested in any Beauty Counter products feel free to visit Gregge Anne Lowe's page
or feel free to contact her at: 

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