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Monday, April 27, 2015

Summer Checklist

Summer is quickly approaching! This week is dead week at Iowa State, so everything is beginning to wind down. It's crazy to think that my sophomore year is almost over! But, that means summer is basically here (which makes me so happy). So the question is, what am I going to do with my summer? Well, here are a few things that are on my summer checklist this summer. 

  1. Visit my friend Mariah (Chambery and Champagne) in New York City. 
  2. Visit my friend Emily in TN. 
  3. Go to Chicago as much as possible.
  4. Go to a blogger conference. 
  5. Actually attempt to get tan. 
  6. Get a summer job. 
  7. Go to the aquarium (my favorite tradition!).
  8. Watch old movies and gain knowledge on past fashion trends. 
  9. Focus on making my blog the best it can be! 
  10. Finding luggage for study abroad. Let the countdown for London begin! 

What is on your summer checklist? Let me know in the comments! 


  1. YES. Can't wait for you to visit me lovely!

  2. This sounds like a great checklist! I have started mine as well and visiting Chicago is definitely on it!
