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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Lilly + Target Shopping Trip!

Bright and early at 7:15 am my best friend Mariah (my friend from Chambery and Champagne) and I headed off to the Ames Target store. We left decently early just because we didn't know what to expect. Upon arriving there was only one other car waiting at the store. Once it got closer to 8 a few more ladies showed up. About five minutes before the store opened we all congregated in front of the doors. One husband was there for moral support and we all laughed and joked about he should run and get the stuff first. We all let him walk in so he could say he was the first one!  

Compared to most peoples "Lilly for Target experience" ours was pretty tame. Sure everyone kind of went at it but there was no stealing or tackling involved. I got basically everything I wanted in my size (except one shift), so I can't complain! Also, thank goodness we didn't have to wait in any line! The only plus of being in Ames in that moment was that we weren't in the south battling for items! Terror stories have been floating around. Hats off to the ladies who fought off the crazy people for these colorful items! 

As you can tell from these photos I went a little crazy. And by "a little crazy" I mean actually insane! The woman who checked me out at the cash register never heard of Lilly or the collab. So she actually thought I was delusional. Although my bill added up quickly I am so happy I got all of these pieces! I know I will be LIVING in the clothing pieces all summer and probably all year round to be honest. Also, I scored a lot of home good items for my apartment next year. Hey, who doesn't want a Lilly themed college apartment??  In addition to home and clothing items I scored a few small accessories some of which I will be giving as gifts! I also snagged a few things for my mom for mothers day so hopefully she likes them! 

Although it was kind of a crazy experience (I was in the zone let me tell you) I am so glad I picked these items up! So many people have so many opinions on the collab but I love it! I can't wait to wear/ use all of these items very soon! 

Mariah and I's biggest find on the trip was the mugs! We divided and conquered when we first arrived at the store. I ran to clothes and Mariah ran to home goods. We got the only two sets of mugs at the Ames location! SCORE! They are super cute and will be perfect for my apartment next year. My guests, roommate, and I will be drinking coffee and tea in style.  

Be on the lookout for more posts on the Lilly for Target collab! I plan on doing a haul as well as a lookbook and of course future OOTD posts featuring the goods! 

Did you pick up anything from Lilly for Target and did you survive the craziness??! Let me know in the comments!! 

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