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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

College Series: Greek Week

Greek Week may be my single favorite week of the year. From tournaments, Lipsync, hanging out with your pairing, Greek Olympics, to Vespers Greek Week is the busiest week of the year. 

This year I was lucky enough to be Lipsync co-chair for my pairing. Along with 6 other people we created an amazing skit with dancing, props, script, and many other elements. Being co-chair was probably one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. Not only did we get to see our vision come to life, but we made a lot of amazing memories and I created new friendships through the process. Two out of three houses in our pairing haven't moved on for Lipsync in years. However, we were lucky enough to move on to second cuts this year! In the end we placed 3rd which was incredible. At the beginning of this experience I didn't know what to expect. But, we did an amazing job and I couldn't be more proud of everyone who was involved. 

I am the small one on the left side in pink!

Lipsync first cuts were Tuesday and final cuts were Friday. So, the rest of the week consisted of tournaments where we cheered on our pairing. As you may have guessed I am the LEAST athletic person on the planet (I stick to dancing). But, I make a great supporter. I attended almost every tournament and screamed my head off for my sisters and the lovely guys in our pairing. 

The Saturday..... Saturday of Greek Week may be my favorite day of the entire year, Greek Olympics. Greek Olympics consists of many different events all being totally weird but extremely fun. Last year and this year I participated in bed race. Bed race is basically where the two smallest girls in the pairing sit on a bed the boys make and race around Greek circle. It's sometimes stressful but super fun none the less. Other events in Greek Olympics include dingle dangle donut, egg joust, larping, dizzy duck, and tug of war. 

After Saturday finishes Sunday is the award ceremony Vespers. Vespers is the equivalent of the Oscars for our Greek Community. At Vespers we announce a variety of awards from best philanthropy, Greek man and women of the year, as well as all of the Greek Week awards. It's really fun to dress up and take pictures with everyone and it's a great way to close off the week of festivities. 

Me driving the bed! I have my game face on as you can tell. 

My lovely co-chairs and I before first cuts of Lipsync. 

Do you have any questions about going Greek or what Greek life is like? Leave them in the comments and I will do a post on them! 

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