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Sunday, November 23, 2014

College Series: 10 things you need to do during Thanksgiving break

I am thankful for Thanksgiving break! 
With Thanksgiving break or fall break approaching I'm starting to think of things that I want to do while I'm at home. Here is my top 10 list of things I will be doing over Thanksgiving break.
Count down: Less then a week till break!  

  1. Hangout with your parents | I'm not sure about you but I never see my parents! So be sure to actually hangout with them while your home. I know I won't see my parents until Christmas basically after Thanksgiving. Of course hangout with your friends but hangout with your family as well!
  2. Eat a home cooked meal | I miss home cooked food SO much when I'm at school. Be super nice to whoever cooks you dinner so you can get a nice meal while your at home. 
  3. Have a movie night on your coach | My coach has been calling my name all semester. I plan on cuddling up and watching some movies while I'm home. I miss my coach dearly and I intend on taking advantage of it while I'm home. 
  4. Have a get together with friends from high school | Take advantage of your time at home and see your old friends! I love my friends from college but sometimes its nice catching up with old friends. 
  5. See a movie | So many movies are coming out over Thanksgiving! Be sure to catch one of the new flicks that are premiering. I just realized that Horrible Bosses 2 comes out November 26th so you better believe I will be there. 
  6. Eat at your favorite restaurant from home | If anyone reading this is from Chicago... I miss Portillos more then life itself. I intend on getting Portillos at least 3 times while I'm home. But, to be honest it will probably be more then that. Be sure to eat at your favorite hometown eats so you can survive the rest of the semester! 
  7. Sleep | This semester I never sleep. Like ever. When I'm home I can't wait to curl up in my own bed and sleep the night (and day) away. 
  8. Actually do some homework | Believe it or not breaks are a great way to stay organized and on top of your school work. Obviously take a nice break, but during break I intend on organizing for finals so I will do less work once I get back to school! 
  9. Visit your old teachers | If your feeling sentimental visit your old high school teachers. I know I will probably be visiting my old dance team at some point so if your in the mood head back and say hi! 
  10. Take a drive | I miss driving in my car. During break I can't wait just to drive around and blast some music for a bit. And by music I just mean the new Taylor Swift album because lets be honest thats all I listen too. 
What do you plan on doing over Thanksgiving break? Let me know in the comments below! 


1 comment:

  1. I couldnt agree more about hanging out with parents! I never see mine either, and its so easy to ignore them with friends and everyone else in town!

    Miche from Buttons and Birdcages
