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Monday, September 15, 2014

August Favorites!

August Favorites! 
"Better late then never"
August is over! What?! It is literally crazy to think that it is already September. September has already brought so many awesome things and I can't wait for even more! 

But, here are my favorite things from the month of August!

Reuniting with friends: This month I got to reunite with my amazing friends at school. I don't know how I lasted a whole summer without them! But I am so happy to be back at school and back with my amazing friends. 

Recruitment: In the month of August I took part in my first formal recruitment on the other side. It was such a great experience and I got to meet a lot of amazing girls. I am so excited to have new Pi Beta Phi members in our chapter. They are all amazing girls and I can't wait to see them grow in our chapter. 

Living in: This year I will be living in my sorority house. It was quite an adjustment but I love living in a house with some of my best friends. I am never bored because there is always someone to talk to, go get McDonalds with, or go on an adventure with. 


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