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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Guy Gift Guide

Guy Gift Guide

The most challenging task of the season, finding the perfect gift for your dad, brother, or boyfriend. Well, no fear ladies these are some of my personal favorite ideas on what to get your guy for the holidays.

First things first we all know guys LOVE food. So, why not give them some? A great idea is to make their favorite homemade treat and bring it over of the day of your gift exchange. This idea is ideal for mainly a boyfriend. It's a small gift but they will for sure devour them. Next, if they are also a coffee lover pick up their favorite drink and drop it off as a surprise sometime during winter break or even the week of finals. But, if it's to hard to get it to them buy a Starbucks or Caribou gift card and attach a note. It will be a small gesture saying to treat yourself.

If your guy would prefer food over treats simply get them a giftcard to their favorite restaurant. It can be date night on you!

If your guy is an accessory junky then a great option would be a pair of aviators, a classic plaid scarf, a pair of funky shoes, a beanie, or a watch. The possibilities are endless when it comes to buying a guy an accessory. Just tailor it to what guy your shopping for. I know my brother would love a beanie. While, my dad not so much. So, just remember who you are shopping for and you should be golden.

Next, you can always get them clothes. I love buying guys clothes because you can pick what you want them to wear. Get your dad a classic button up and your brother a flannel shirt. (my brother is OBSESSED with flannel but idk about anyone else's).

Overall, guys are low maintenance. So, don't over think their holiday gift. Keep it simple and thoughtful and it will for sure be a hit! 

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