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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

College Diaries: Day 1 | Road Trip, exploring, and dinner.

College Diaries: Road Trip, Exploring, and Dinner
Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for getting behind on my blog. I have been rushing all week and moving into my dorm room so things have been CRAZY to say the least! But here are some pictures of college adventures so far. 

Friday August 16th: 
So this was the day I moved in before school. My parents and I went to a nice dinner and explored the campus a little bit! 

My new home at school. Can't wait to get started with everything! 

My car was packed to say the least! This isn't even everything I took. A friend of mine brought a U-Haul so she brought some of my stuff. I was pretty squished but I need my stuff. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do right? 

This is my road trip attire. I think dresses are just the most comfortable thing but hey that's just me. 
Where it's from: 
Dress: My friend brought back from Taiwan
Shoes: Keds
Necklace: Dry Goods 
Bracelets: Dry Goods and Alex and Ani
Sunglasses: Dry Goods   

This was my dinner at the restaurant we ate at in Ames. The restaurant is super good and has a lot of specials and everything is locally grown. 

Stay tuned for more College Diaries there are many more to come!


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